Ⓒ 2023 Auslander, Inc.
The universe's most abundant substance as a power source. Yup, you heard that right - it's Hydrogen. Enter Hydra - a bold experiment that's challenging everything you know about motorcycles by harnessing the power of hydrogen. This project is igniting a fire of interest in alternative propulsion beyond the mundane electric scene."
Transportation Design
3D - Modelling
Character Design
Clothing Design
Andre Taylforth
Anton Guzhov
Anton Brousseau
Ⓒ 2023 Auslander, Inc.
Just because the Automotive industry is turning electric, does this mean the motorcycle industry should follow? How would we imagine a Hydrogen motorcycle
Letting the platform help dictate the design of the bike while also being versatile enough to adapt to more than one catagroie, allowing for a longer shelf life.
An anti-decorative, function driven design approach. Brutal proportions contrasted with transparent materials, highlighting the underlying technology.
Vehicle rigging, compositing, character rigging, character design, simulations, face mocap and 3D modelling all of which are needed to create the shots we wanted for the final film.
The other half of a Motorcycle is the rider. Who do we imagine to own a Hydra? How would we imagine their helmet, gloves or suit?
As are most things, creating the first draft of the video only took 2 days to complete, but bringing it the last 20% takes at least 80% of the time. Lots of learning to bring over to the next projects.
Ⓒ 2023 Auslander, Inc.
Selected Works
MOTOSAPIANProject type
N74XProject type
DAB - 1αProject type
peugeot_examplesProject type
Ruc-01Project type
Lamborghini TemerarioProject type